As a nurse practitioner, the DEA number has some advantages. First, having the DEA license will enable one to expand his or her scope of practice and be allowed to prescribe a group of medication known as controlled substances. Besides, with a DEA license, nurse practitioners are permitted to write for controlled substances. On the other hand, the DEA license has some limitations. First, obtaining DEA is cumbersome because it requires the nurse practitioner to do a lot of paperwork that follows graduation (MidlevelU, 2020). Apart from studying and passing the exam, nursing practitioners are required to go through the long process of a credentialing process that involves more stressful paperwork. Besides, applying for the license and waiting for the new job to begin can be costly.ReferencesMidlevelU. (2020). Do Nurse Practitioners Really Need a DEA Number? | Retrieved 1 March 2020, from

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